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By-laws and Administrative Penalties

Frequently requested by-laws

By-law 2024-066 - AMPS By-law

Along with other requirements in the Control and Licensing of Dogs By-law, please remember to:

  • REGISTER your dog for a lifetime license, and remember to provide Township with any updates
  • FEES
  • KEEP your dog OFF public beaches between May and September
  • KEEP your dog on a leash in public areas
  • CLEAN UP your dog's feces

The By-law To Prohibit the Deliberate Feeding of Bears speaks to the feeding or storing of feed outside for the purpose of attracting bears in the Township of Lake of Bays. The By-law also refers to exemptions for those activities related to hunting permitted under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997.

By-law 2021-125 respecting construction, demolition, change of use, conditional permits, sewage systems and inspections.

Haliburton Highlands Water Trails (HHWT) Permits and Rates

The Haliburton Highlands Water Trails (HHWT) is a municipally managed backcountry canoe routes system that consists of approximately 28,000+ hectares of provincial and municipal public lands comprised of countless lakes, rivers, trails and continuous forest. For more information, please visit 

View our Cemeteries page for more information.

By-law 2019-032 was passed to establish procedures for the Commercial Use of Municipal Property in the Township of Lake of Bays.  

To apply, please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits page.

To ensure responsible lighting, reduce light pollution and promote conservation of a dark sky environment, the By-law to Regulate Outdoor Illumination was implemented in 2013. The By-law encourages use of low wattage, energy efficient lighting in waterfront and rural areas to:

  • reduce impact on wildlife;
  • prevent hazards to navigation;
  • to preserve the night sky; and
  • to preserve privacy.

The By-law to Regulate the Discharge of Firearms in the Township was passed to protect the health, safety and well-being of persons. The By-law defines Community Designation areas – within community areas or outside these areas.

Within the Community Designation areas, NO discharge of firearms or similar devices are allowed unless:

  • One is hunting lawfully, AND
  • On a property that is greater than 3 hectares (7.4 acres).

Outside the Community Designation areas, no discharge of firearms or similar devices unless:

  • one is hunting lawfully, OR
  • discharging for recreational purposes:
  • NOT within 30 metres from a public road
  • NOT within 100 metres of any lake with more than 2 lots with separate ownership
  • NOT within pits/quarries sites as listed in Schedule “C” in the by-law

The By-law to Prohibit or Regulate the Obstruction, Encumbering or Fouling of Highways or Bridges in the Township states that no person shall cause any damage, build on, or place anything within the roadways or bridges owned by the Township.

A By-law to regulate access onto Township Roads

The Fees and Charges By-law, is updated as required on an annual basis. If there are any application fees, enforcement or administrative charges found within the operational by-laws, they will be found here. 


By-law 2024-068 amends By-law Services (Schedule B), Planning Services (Schedule G), and Cemetery Price List (Schedule H)  

By-law 2024-145 amends Roads Department (Schedule C)

By-law 2024-146 amends Fire Department (Schedule E)

The licensing, inspecting and compliance of Kennels within Lake of Bays is covered by the By-law Respecting the Licensing, Regulating and Governing of Kennels.

These kennels may be located within Rural or Commercial zones as per the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, are required to follow all other acts and laws and are covered by an annual membership renewal.

The Littering Control By-law states the following are violations:

  • Throwing or depositing of rubbish along a highway, street or bridge
  • Throwing or depositing of rubbish upon private property, unless given permission by owner
  • Depositing household garbage in receptacles on Township properties that are normally designated for public and park use

View our Applications, Licences and Permits page and Fees to learn more about the Municipal Access User Agreement. This agreement is regulated under the Public Parks By-law (see below). 

The Noise Control By-law and FEES is designed to reduce and control unusual or unnecessary sounds which may degrade the quality and tranquility of lives within The Township of the Lake of Bays.

In order to determine if a noise is prohibited in your area, it is important to refer to the by-law schedules to first determine in what zone you are located, then if the activity is prohibited, and finally to look at what timeframes the noise is permitted.

A general guide to the noise by-law demonstrates that most noise, whether residential or construction related, is not allowed any night after 9:00 p.m., and not before 7:00 a.m. between Monday and Saturday and not before noon on Sundays.

In order to understand if off-road vehicles are allowed on roadways in The Township of the Lake of Bays, please refer to the By-law to Regulate the Use of Off-road Vehicles (ORVs) on Municipal Roads.

Key points to consider when operating off-road vehicles where they are permitted:

  • Vehicle must meet the specifications of an off-road vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act
  • Vehicle shall be operated along the shoulder of road if available, or along edge of roadway
  • Between May 1st and December 31st , they are allowed from sunrise to sunset
  • Between September 1st and November 30th, when legally hunting, between sunset and sunrise
  • Rate of speed – 20 km/hr if posted speed is 50km/hr or less
  • Rate of speed – 50 km/hr if posted speed is greater than 50km/hr

Please note off-road vehicles are NOT permitted on roadways as listed in Schedule “A” of the by-law.

The Outdoor Burning By-law regulates outdoor burning. The by-law also allows the Fire Department to place a ban on outdoor fires and fireworks based on environmental conditions.

In general, no person shall be allowed to have open-air burning between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. between the months of April and October in each year, except as permitted under Parts 3 and 4 of the by-law. Part 3 speaks to Barbeques and Fire Department education/training, and Part 4 speaks to Permissions and Approvals to conduct open-air burning.

Permission to conduct open-air burning will be required from the Chief Fire Official:

  • if the pile is greater than by-law requirements, and;
  • if the burning will occur during prohibited times.

Contact the Huntsville/Lake of Bays Fire Department's Fire Prevention Officer at (705) 789-5201 ext. 3609 for further information.

Parking with the Township is governed by By-law No. 2022-033, the By-law to Regulate and Control Parking.  Vehicles found in violation of the parking by-law may receive a Penalty Notice or warning, whereas some vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense due to the nature of the violation.  Please contact By-law Services if you have any questions. 

The purpose of the On and Off-Street Parking for Disabled Persons By-law is to authorize the creation and designation of parking spaces on Municipal property for the exclusive use of those persons who are displaying a permit according to the Highway Traffic Act, RSO 1990; and to create special parking exemptions for drivers and operators of vehicles which are displaying a permit according to acts and regulations.

The By-law contains Schedule “A”, providing locations of designated parking on municipal property. A reminder that despite special parking provisions may be needed, no person shall park in way that interferes with winter operations.

The By-law to Regulate Pool Enclosures with The Township of the Lake of Bays states that pools are defined as constructed outside on private property and capable of holding water deeper than 2 feet at any point.

Prior to construction, a Pool Enclosure Permit is required to be applied for and approved. The approved pool shall not be filled or allow water to remain in the pool unless:

  • the pool is enclosed by an enclosure; an approved temporary pool enclosure as per Section 24 of the By-law; and
  • if the pool is newly constructed, the Chief Building Official has been notified and the pool enclosure has been inspected and approved in writing by the Township.

The Property Standards By-law, effective July 17, 2018, speaks to General standards for all properties as well as Maintenance, Residential Occupancy, and Building Standards.

By-law Enforcement Services will seek to gain voluntary compliance in all instances – however, if compliance measures are needed, Notices or Orders may be issued. Notices and Orders are issued in writing, with timelines for compliance stated with the document. Notices are given to address property related violations, and Orders are given to address structure-related violations.

The By-law to Regulate Public Parks, is written to provide for the public's enjoyment of township property, and for guidelines for the commercial use of said space under a Municipal Access User Agreement (MAUA)

Please remember when in public parks:

  • no person shall drop refuse or any waste material in a park
  • waste receptacles at public parks are not for household waste
  • parking of boat trailers shall be away from beach areas in approved parking areas
  • keep your dog on a leash and on the grassed areas
  • any feces from your animal shall be picked up and removed immediately
  • operate your motorized snow or all-terrain vehicle ONLY within the parking areas or boat ramps
  • no person shall destroy or damage trees, shrubs, flowerbeds or any property within the park
  • the digging of beach sand for recreation is permitted

A MAUA may be granted after a written application is received, and then approved by Council/staff process. Please refer to the Municipal Access User Agreement for more information.

By-law services has developed a Quick Reference Guide for property owners and renters in the Township of Lake of Bays. The guide outlines relevant municipal by-laws that are currently in effect and enforced by the Township’s By-law Enforcement Officer.

By-law 2024-065, being a By-law to Licence, Regulate and Govern Short-term Rentals (STR) in the Township of Lake of Bays

To apply for a STR Licence, please visit our Short-term Rentals page.

By-law 2018-014, the By-law to Regulate the Size, Use, Location and Maintenance of Signs and Advertising Devices, is an amendment to By-law 2016-042.

This by-law regulates all signs within the municipal boundary. The by-law designates between which signs require permits, and which are exempt. If the sign is adjacent to roadways owned by the Ministry of Transport or the District Municipality of Muskoka, approval from these authorities is also required.

To apply for a sign permit, please refer to the Applications, Licences and Permits and Fees page. 

For the By-law regulating election signs refer to By-law 2022-067, the By-law to regulate election signs in Municipal, Provincial and Federal elections.

To promote the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Township, the By-law to Prohibit or Regulate Smoking in the Corporation of The Township of the Lake of Bays was enacted in 1995.

This by-law designates the following buildings as smoke free:

  • The Township of the Lake of Bays Municipal office;
  • Municipal Garages #1, #2 and #3;
  • Township of Lake of Bays Public Libraries and their facilities; and
  • All sections of municipal facilities that are not covered by rental agreements with provide designated smoking areas as stipulated in an agreement

To promote the health, safety and well-being of the residents of the Township of Lake of Bays, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lake of Bays passed By-law 2019-034, the "No Smoking on Municipal Property and Water Access Points By-law".     

View our Special Event Permit page.

 On all lands within the Township that are designated under the Township's Development Permit and Comprehensive Zoning By-laws, excluding areas as per the by-law, the By-law to Prohibit and/or Regulate Trailers and Camping in The Township of the Lake of Bays discusses the use of trailers and the prohibition of camping with the Lake of Bays.

The By-law states that the occupation of a trailer may only occur under the authority of a temporary trailer license issued upon issuance of a valid building permit. As to camping, the by-law states that no person shall camp on land owned by The Township of the Lake of Bays or on vacant land within the Township of the Lake of Bays.

Camping and the use of trailers is restricted in all zones in the Township other than designated lots. 

Under the By-law to Establish Regulations for the use of Trails in the Township of Lake of Bays, trail usage is designated as bicycle and foot traffic, with motorized snow vehicles being allowed only under provisions allowed by the by-law.

A snowmobile club, group, or federation of snowmobile clubs may apply to Council for the use of a trail for the passage of motorized snow vehicles between November 15th and April 15th in each year.

The By-law Respecting the Licensing, Regulating and Governing of Trades, Callings, Businesses and Occupations governs business defined under auctioneer, refreshment vehicle, hawkers & peddlers and transient traders carried on within the municipality.

Prior to conducting the above noted business in Lake of Bays, one is required to procure a license issued under the provisions of this by-law. Any premises used by the licensed businesses shall be required to satisfy the Building Code, the Official Plan, Zoning By-law and all other by-law of the Township.

Applications, along with the applicable fee, are submitted to Township staff. The license application is approved by staff, with the approved license being required to be posted where business is conducted. Premises and approved license may be inspected by By-law Enforcement Staff at any time during operating hours.

In the Township of Lake of Bays, the Community Planning Permit (CPP) By-law 2021-111 is in effect. View the full by-law document below and consult our CPP By-law Brochure for more information:

The Development Permit By-law 04-180 applies to lands on Langmaid’s Island in the geographic Township of Mclean:

View our Zoning page for more information.

By-law Services

Learn more about reporting a by-law infraction, policies and procedures and the Township's process for by-law enforcement. 

Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)

For information on paying your penalty notice, disputing your penalty notice as well as frequently asked questions, visit the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) page.

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